The following songs will be taught this year.
- Uyyaalaloogavayya in Neelambari Raagam, Kanda Chapu (NEW)
- Sobhane in Pantuvarali, Rupaka Talam (NEW)
- Meluko Dayanidhe, Sowrashtra, Rupakam (REVISION)
- Seetha Kalyana, Kurinji, Khanda Chapu (REVISION)
- Nagumomu, Madhayamavathi, Adi (REVISION)
Children of all ages are welcome to attend these classes.
Tentative Schedule (first 3 sessions). Detailed Schedule forthcoming.
- Sunday, 15 Nov 2015: 2-3 PM
- Sunday, 13 Dec 2015: 2-3 PM
- Sunday, 10 Jan 2016: 2-3 PM
Hosting Sessions: Email ctu.usk {AT}
Questions: ctu {DOT} usk {AT} ChicagoTyagarajaUtsavam {DOT} org.
Registration Deadline: 2 Nov 2015
Please SUBMIT the information below by the Registration Deadline.