Skit Audio Specifications

Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam requests you to respond to the questions below as accurately as possible so that we can do our best to ensure the availability of the requisite equipment.  While we appreciate the information you provide below, it may not be always possible to provide all the equipment requested.  We request your cooperation in advance to work with us to ensure a wonderful experience overall.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to send an e-mail to ctu dot audio at ChicagoTyagarajaUtsavam dot org.

Skit Name
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Email
# of Actors
# of Screen Closings
Max Actors per Act
# of Acts with Max Actors
# of children
Movement on stage
This is required for Mic placement
Additional Comments on Movement
# of Lapel Mics
For actors with dominant speaking roles only
If main actors get lapel mics, can other actors use fixed condenser mics?
Would you like the stage to be open but darkened between scenes?
If yes, please describe number of light outs and details.
Is there a narrator?
If yes, please describe their role. ?
Do they need to be on stage, or off stage with a wireless mic, or only present in the introduction
Wireless mic at end?

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