Grand Musical Feast for Classical and Light Music lovers

Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam is glad to announce a grand musical feast for Classical music lovers as well as light music lovers on Sunday, Sep 20, 2015 at the Sama Rathi Auditorium, Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago.

CTU and HTGC present

1:00 pm

Classical Veena concert
Shri Rajhesh Vaidhya (Veena)
(direct disciple of legendary Shri Chitti Babu)
Shri N. Mohanaraman (Mridangam)
Shri R. Sri Ganesh (Mridangam)
Shri D. Chandrajith (Tabla)
Shri Sai Hari (Ghatam)

4:00 pm

Classical Vocal duet concert
Trichur Brothers (Shri Srikrishna and Shri Ramkumar)
Shri Rajeev Mukundan (Violin)
Shri Trichur Mohan (Mridangam)

6:00 pm

Dinner available for purchase

CTU presents

7:00 pm

Light Music Veena ensemble with South Indian movie and folk songs 
Shri Rajhesh Vaidhya (Veena)
Shri N. Mohanaraman (Mridangam)
Shri R. Sri Ganesh (Mridangam)
Shri D. Chandrajith (Tabla)
Shri Sai Hari (Ghatam)


Please note:

  • Attendance is free for dependent children of accompanying parents
  • Seats are guaranteed only for adults
CategoryItemRate per Person
General Seating (A la carte)Rajhesh Vaidhya (Classical)$15
General Seating (A la carte)Trichur Brothers (Vocal)$15
General Seating (A la carte)Rajhesh Vaidhya (Light Music)$15
General Seating PackageAll three concerts together$40
Preferred Seating PackageAll three concerts together$100
DinnerDinner per person (adult or child)$5


Tickets may be purchased by personal check or cash at the CTU Front Desk on the day of the event.

Note: All ticket purchases are non-refundable.

Questions: E-mail ctu {dot} info {AT} ChicagoTyagarajaUtsavam {dot} org

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