Making Payments

There are multiple options available to make payments to Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam.


Only the payments listed below may be made online using Paypal. Note: You may be charged additional transaction fees if you use the credit card option directly without signing into your Paypal account.

DescriptionAmountPayment Link
General Donations
Note: This option is only for making general donations to CTU. Please do not use this option to make any other payments including a) purchasing tickets for CTU concerts or b) rental charges for CTU Equipment.
Any amountClick here
Advertisement Payments
(Please contact ctu {DOT} ChicagoTyagarajaUtsavam {DOT} org
VariousWill be emailed after sponsorship agreement
CTU Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram Book and CD (pickup in person)$10Click here to purchase
CTU Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram Book (Ship by Mail - USA or International)$18Click here to purchase
CTU Pancharatnam Book (pickup in person)$10Click here to purchase


Please write checks for the amount specified to “Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam” and mail them to Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam, 129 N. Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, IL 60181.


Payments can be made in cash at the CTU Front Desk on premise during the Memorial Day Music Festival as well as other CTU events held throughout the year.

Questions: E-mail ctu.fin {AT} ChicagoTyagarajaUtsavam {dot} org